
History of Morocco

Moroccan Timeline of Key Events
•7-17th Century: Arab invasion; Idris founds the first major Muslim dynasty. Dynasty’s and religious movements come and go.

•1860-1904: Dispute over Spain's Ceuta enclave causes Spain to declare war. Spain wins a further enclave and an enlarged Ceuta in the settlement. Spain later creates a protectorate on Moroccan coasts. In 1904 France and Spain select zones of influence.

•1912 - Morocco becomes a French protectorate under the Treaty of Fez. Spain continues to operate its coastal protectorate. The sultan has a largely figurehead role.

•1956 March - End of French protectorate due to unrest and strong nationalist sentiment. Spain keeps its two coastal enclaves. Sultan Mohammed becomes king in 1957.

• 1961: King Mohammed dies, King Hassan II comes to power.

•1973 - Polisario movement is formed. This movement is aimed to establish an independent state in Spanish Sahara, a territory south of Morocco controlled by Spain. The group has Algerian support.

• 1975: Spain leaves Spanish Sahara, and agrees to transfer to joint Moroccan/Mauritanian control. Algeria disagrees and threatens military intervention, Moroccan forces enter and control the territory.

• 1976: Moroccan and Algerian troops clash in Western Sahara. Algeria announces the formation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR). Western Sahara is divided. Fighting continues between Moroccan military and Polisario forces. War loses money for Morocco.

• 1988: Resumption of full diplomatic relations with Algeria.

• 1999: King Hassan II is succeeded by his son, Mohammed VI.

• 2002 December: Morocco and Spain talk for the first time since their conflict over Perejil. In January 2003 they agree to return ambassadors.

• 2004 July : Free trade agreement with the US comes into effect. It follows Washington's designation of Morocco as a major non-Nato ally.

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